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2012/02/28 15:49

10 Homemade Laundry Soap Detergent Recipes

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Here is a nice stack of different homemade laundry detergent recipes I’ve collected over the years. Do they work? Yes, I’ve had good luck with them. At the time I was using them, we had a relative who was in trade school living with us. Every day he was mechanic grease from head to toe–the clothes still cleaned up nice! Making your own is a discipline and it’s not for everyone, but it definitely saves money–sometimes just costing pennies a load!
First Some Tips:

Tipnut's Homemade Laundry Detergent
  • For the bar soaps required in the recipes, you could try Fels-Naptha, Ivory soap, Sunlight bar soap, Kirk’s Hardwater Castile, and Zote. Don’t use heavily perfumed soaps.
  • Washing Soda and Borax can normally be found in the laundry and cleaning aisles.
  • Some people with really hard water or well water may have to adjust the ingredients if the clothes look dingy.
  • Although several of the recipes have the same ingredients, the measurements are different–some contain a higher soap to water ratio. Test and see which works best for your needs.
  • You can make huge pails of this at once, or smaller quantities. Also if you can get your hands on a few empty liquid laundry detergent bottles they work great for storing the detergent. Just make a big batch and pour in bottles, cap then use as needed–shake before use.
  • Some of the recipes call for large amounts of water. Check with a local restaurant to see if they have any empty large pails from deep fryer oil–that’s how many restaurants buy the oil. See if you can have one or two of the pails after they’ve emptied it–just wash them out really well before using. They’re big, heavy plastic and very sturdy when stirring the soap and hot water.
1 quart Water (boiling)
2 cups Bar soap (grated)
2 cups Borax
2 cups Washing Soda
  • Add finely grated bar soap to the boiling water and stir until soap is melted. You can keep on low heat until soap is melted.
  • Pour the soap water into a large, clean pail and add the Borax and Washing Soda. Stir well until all is dissolved.
  • Add 2 gallons of water, stir until well mixed.
  • Cover pail and use 1/4 cup for each load of laundry. Stir the soap each time you use it (will gel).
Hot water
1 cup Washing Soda
1/2 cup Borax
1 Soap bar
  • Grate the bar soap and add to a large saucepan with hot water. Stir over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.
  • Fill a 10 gallon pail half full of hot water. Add the melted soap, Borax and Washing soda, stir well until all powder is dissolved. Top the pail up with more hot water.
  • Use 1 cup per load, stirring soap before each use (will gel).
Hot water
1/2 cup Washing Soda
1/2 cup Borax
1/3 bar Soap (grated)
  • In a large pot, heat 3 pints of water. Add the grated bar soap and stir until melted. Then add the washing soda and borax. Stir until powder is dissolved, then remove from heat.
  • In a 2 gallon clean pail, pour 1 quart of hot water and add the heated soap mixture. Top pail with cold water and stir well.
  • Use 1/2 cup per load, stirring soap before each use (will gel).
Powdered – Recipe #4
2 cups Fels Naptha Soap (finely grated – you could also try the other bar soaps listed at the top)
1 cup Washing Soda
1 cup Borax
  • Mix well and store in an airtight plastic container.
  • Use 2 tablespoons per full load.
Hot water
1 bar (4.5 oz) Ivory Soap – grated
1 cup Washing Soda
  • In a large saucepan add grated soap and enough hot water to cover. Heat over medium-low heat and stir until soap is melted.
  • Fill a large pail with 2.5 gallons of hot water, add hot soap mixture. Stir until well mixed.
  • Then add the washing soda, again stirring until well mixed.
  • Set aside to cool.
  • Use 1/2 cup per full load, stirring well before each use (will gel)
2.5 gallons Water (hot)
1 Bar soap (grated)
3/4 cup Washing Soda
3/4 cup Borax
2 TBS Glycerin
  • Melt bar soap over medium-low heat topped with water, stir until soap is melted.
  • In a large pail, pour 2.5 gallons of hot water, add melted soap mixture, washing soda, borax and glycerin. Mix well.
  • Use 1/2 cup per full load.
2 cups Bar soap (grated)
2 cups Washing Soda
2 – 2.5 gallons hot water
  • Melt grated soap in saucepan with water to cover. Heat over medium-low heat and stir until soap is dissolved.
  • Pour hot water in large pail, add hot soap and washing soda. Stir very well.
  • Use 1 cup per full load.
2 gallons Water (hot)
1 bar Soap (grated)
2 cups Baking soda (yes baking soda this time–not washing soda)
  • Melt grated soap in a saucepan with enough hot water to cover. Cook on medium-low heat, stirring frequently until soap is melted.
  • In a large pail, pour 2 gallons hot water. Add melted soap, stir well.
  • Then add the baking soda, stir well again.
  • Use 1/2 cup per full load, 1 cup per very soiled load.
Powdered – Recipe #9
12 cups Borax
8 cups Baking Soda
8 cups Washing Soda
8 cups Bar soap (grated)
  • Mix all ingredients well and store in a sealed tub.
  • Use 1/8 cup of powder per full load.
#10 – (Powdered)
1 cup Vinegar (white)
1 cup Baking Soda
1 cup Washing Soda
1/4 cup liquid castile soap
  • Mix well and store in sealed container.
  • I find it easiest to pour the liquid soap into the bowl first, stirred in the washing soda, then baking soda, then added the vinegar in small batches at a time (the recipe foams up at first). The mixture is a thick paste at first that will break down into a heavy powdered detergent, just keep stirring. There may be some hard lumps, try to break them down when stirring (it really helps to make sure the baking soda isn’t clumpy when first adding). I used 1/2 cup per full load with great results.

Note For Liquid Versions

Soap will be lumpy, goopy and gel-like. This is normal. Just give it a good stir before using. Make sure soap is covered with a lid when not in use. You could also pour the soap in old (and cleaned) laundry detergent bottles and shake well before each use.
*If you can’t find Fels-Naptha locally, you can buy it online (check Amazon).


You can add between 10 to 15 drops of essential oil (per 2 gallons) to your homemade detergent. Add once the soap has cooled to room temperature. Stir well and cover.
Essential oil ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil
*Admin Update: clarified instructions for Recipe #10 and liquid detergent notes.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve created a new page full of questions and answers for making homemade detergent, you can visit it here.
You can still review all the questions, answers, recipes and tips that were shared in the comments area below. There are nearly 300 of them and it was hard for new readers to find the answers they needed since there’s so much information provided below.
No more comments will be accepted for this page but you’re welcome to start sharing on the new page.
2010/09/21 06:55:50 瀏覽1427|回應3|推薦7 2011. 1. 20
又試做了一次. 不過這次改成 1/2條肥皂, 1杯soda, 1 杯 borax. 做 3 加侖. 明天看看結果如何囉....  (後來我覺得太稀, 所以又改回原來的, 1條肥皂, 1杯soda, 1 杯 borax. 做 4 加侖)
我大約每一個半月要買一次洗衣精. 其實洗衣精也還不算太貴, 我喜歡的那種大約一大瓶十美元左右.    不過可以自己做的話, 那就更省了.
當然作法對我來說太難, 太花時間, 或者材料太難找, 我就直接跳過了...
我發現美國的網站比較多簡易自製洗衣精的方法. 台灣/中文網站的方法大多太麻煩, 光是看到"氫氧化鉀"...謝謝再聯絡.
1/3條 肥皂 (原材料要1/3條, 但我喜歡皂多一些, 而且減少肥皂量並不會改善結塊的結果) 
1/2 杯 洗衣用蘇打粉 1/2 cup washing soda
1/2 杯 borax powder 我不知道它的中文是什麼, 不過你可以看到它的包裝

這樣的份量會做出約二加侖的洗衣精, 所以要有一個至少可以裝上二加侖桶子.
1. 把肥皂磨成絲. 然後放進鍋子裡, 加入六杯水後, 慢慢加熱並攪拌直到肥皂完全溶化為止. 關火.
2. 加入洗衣小蘇打(一定要先關火, 不然很可能泡泡會淹沒你的廚房)和Borax. 攪拌直到完全溶化為止.
3. 倒 4 杯熱水到桶子中, 然後加入剛攪拌好的肥皂液. 再次攪拌.
4. 加入一加侖及六杯水後, 繼續攪拌.
5. 將桶子蓋起來, 等24小時候即可使用.   每次洗衣可用約1/2杯. 
我買的是Zote的洗衣皂. 很便宜, 一大塊, 400公克才一塊美金左右. 洗衣蘇打及Borax也不貴.  花不到10塊錢, 可以做 6 加侖的洗衣精(上面照片中的ECOS一罐還不到一加侖就要快十塊囉!)
24 小時是一定要等的. 一開始, 洗衣精會水水的. 要過至少12個小時後才會慢慢有點膠狀. 我做好後, 等約六個小時就去查看, 結果真的是太水了, 害我以為失敗了(因為我中間有個步驟沒有做的很好: 倒洗衣蘇打時沒先熄火, 結果鍋子內的泡泡滿出來一些.)  還好失望歸失望, 我沒有把覺得失敗的成品倒掉.  等隔天早上再查看時, 它已經有點凝固成果凍狀. 我拿桿子把它攪一攪, 它就變的比較膠狀(據說要有點像"蛋花湯"狀, 就是有點勾芡的樣子吧!)
如果想要有香味的洗衣精, 可以自己加精油. 據說每二加侖可以加1/2到1oz的精油. 不過, Zote本身就已經有香味了, 所以我就不會想再加任何東西. Zote聞起來很像歐護(Off)的味道... 不喜歡那種味道的人要選別種肥皂.  不過據說Zote是很環保的肥皂, 而且它基本上是手洗用肥皂. 所以品質應該是不錯的.
今天第一次試洗.  一開始沒什麼泡泡, 所以我又多加了半杯下去... 沒想到一陣子後, 泡泡就多了起來. 也許下次加半杯就好... 一個月後(10/26)我又做了一桶4加侖的. 我重新回到那個網站上, 才發現泡泡不是重點. 這個洗衣精本來就是少泡的做法...
http://tipnut.com/10-homemade-laundry-soap-detergent-recipes/ - 這個網站也有很多不同的洗衣精作法.
圖一: 第二次沖水的泡泡樣子
圖二: 還在桶子裡, 但已經可以用的洗衣精
進度: 自2010.9.21到2010.12.13, 大約12個星期的時間, 我已經用掉6加侖了.
2/25/2011, 雖然我還有一加侖多的洗衣精, 但是我要去滑雪一星期, 怕回來會需要洗很多衣服. 所以先做起來放囉!!! (4加侖)
4/28/2011 上次做的洗衣精已全部用完了, 今天要做6加侖起來放.

ps. 我自己做的洗衣精常會結塊. 我試著用果汁機打細, 但放幾十分鐘後, 肥皂還是會浮在水面上, 所以我使用前一定會搖一搖. 我還滿喜歡這個自製洗衣精, 因為用水很容易就沖的很乾淨. 不像其它洗衣精, 沖完後還是會覺得滑滑的.

出處: 自製洗衣精 Homemade Laundry soap - Caty's 跳傘小站 - udn部落格 http://blog.udn.com/catysung/4431289#ixzz1nf1KgOg7 http://blog.udn.com/catysung/4431289
2 gal。 热水
2 c.发面苏打(不是晶碱)
投入被磨碎的肥皂在平底深鍋,用低落的水和廚師蓋,直到肥皂熔化。 耐心,它需要一會兒。 我不認為我得到每一点完全地被熔化,但是花费时间,並且得到大多数熔化了入水。
现在加2加侖热水入大桶。 增加很好被溶化的,熔化肥皂和混亂。
使用一個一半每在規則裝載的杯子和在沉重被弄髒的裝載的一個充分的杯子。 好了!
您將需要3種基本的成份; 一些排序、晶碱和硼砂肥皂。 
肥皂:  使用的肥皂的最典型的类型是Fels Naptha。  它是在洗衣店走道通常找到的肥皂的一種古板的类型。  肥皂的其他選擇是象牙或另一個品牌叫的, Zote。  其中每一個將运作。  我使用我自己的自創肥皂並且發現它相當很好运作,並且我有此在我的国家商店的待售。  如果您使用象牙或您自己的自創肥皂您將需要使用整體禁止。
晶碱: 這不將與发面苏打混淆。  他們不是同一件事。  晶碱是碳酸钠或粉末状纯碱(发面苏打是小苏打)。  它是一粒白色粉末。  它的目的將幫助取消土和命令。   尋找的品牌是胳膊&錘子晶碱。  我發現它在我的雜货店的洗衣店部分。   有困难时期當地發現此的許多人民。  我知道您能甚而通过Amazon.com在網上購買它。  如果得到它您的,商店是可能的我也會建議问您的雜货店經理。
硼砂: 硼砂是自然發生的礦物: 鈉硼酸鹽。  它是一粒白色粉末。  它是目的是作為洗衣店漂白劑和防臭劑。 尋找的品牌是20頭騾子隊。  它进來一76 oz。 箱子。  您應該能找出此洗涤剂走道。  再次與晶碱,如果您找不到它询问您商店经理或在網上看。
1/3酒吧Fels Naptha或其他種肥皂,如上所述
磨碎肥皂並且投入它在汤锅。  增加6杯水並且加熱它,直到肥皂熔化。  增加晶碱和硼砂並且攪動,直到它被溶化。  從熱去除。  傾吐4個杯子热水入桶。   现在增加您的肥皂混合物並且攪動。  现在增加1加侖加上6杯水並且攪動。  讓肥皂坐大约24個小時,並且它將形成膠凍。  您使用½杯子每裝載。
任意: 如果您要您的肥皂有某一类氣味您能聞此與½到1 oz。 精油或您的選擇的芬芳油。  我喜愛的氣味是桔子精油。

測試洗衣精1 這是一篇隱藏文章。

2012/02/28 16:44
Hot water
1/2 cup Washing Soda
1/2 cup Borax
1/3 bar Soap (grated)

    * In a large pot, heat 3 pints of water. Add the grated bar soap and stir until melted. Then add the washing soda and borax. Stir until powder is dissolved, then remove from heat.
    * In a 2 gallon clean pail, pour 1 quart of hot water and add the heated soap mixture. Top pail with cold water and stir well.
    * Use 1/2 cup per load, stirring soap before each use (will gel).

1 cup = 8 oz 等於240cc
pints 1品脫=0.47317公升
1US gallon等於3.78533公升

1/3條 肥皂 (原材料要1/3條, 但我喜歡皂多一些, 而且減少肥皂量並不會改善結塊的結果) 
1/2 杯 洗衣用蘇打粉 1/2 cup washing soda
1/2 杯 borax powder 我不知道它的中文是什麼, 不過你可以看到它的包裝

�X�B: 自製洗衣精 Homemade Laundry soap - Caty's 跳傘小站 - udn部落格 http://blog.udn.com/catysung/4431289#ixzz1ngNyvW44
這樣的份量會做出約二加侖的洗衣精, 所以要有一個至少可以裝上二加侖桶子.
1. 把肥皂磨成絲. 然後放進鍋子裡, 加入六杯水後, 慢慢加熱並攪拌直到肥皂完全溶化為止. 關火.
2. 加入洗衣小蘇打(一定要先關火, 不然很可能泡泡會淹沒你的廚房)和Borax. 攪拌直到完全溶化為止.
3. 倒 4 杯熱水到桶子中, 然後加入剛攪拌好的肥皂液. 再次攪拌.
4. 加入一加侖及六杯水後, 繼續攪拌.
5. 將桶子蓋起來, 等24小時候即可使用.   每次洗衣可用約1/2杯. 
我買的是Zote的洗衣皂. 很便宜, 一大塊, 400公克才一塊美金左右. 洗衣蘇打及Borax也不貴.  花不到10塊錢, 可以做 6 加侖的洗衣精(上面照片中的ECOS一罐還不到一加侖就要快十塊囉!)
24 小時是一定要等的. 一開始, 洗衣精會水水的. 要過至少12個小時後才會慢慢有點膠狀. 我做好後, 等約六個小時就去查看, 結果真的是太水了, 害我以為失敗了(因為我中間有個步驟沒有做的很好: 倒洗衣蘇打時沒先熄火, 結果鍋子內的泡泡滿出來一些.)  還好失望歸失望, 我沒有把覺得失敗的成品倒掉.  等隔天早上再查看時, 它已經有點凝固成果凍狀. 我拿桿子把它攪一攪, 它就變的比較膠狀(據說要有點像"蛋花湯"狀, 就是有點勾芡的樣子吧!)
如果想要有香味的洗衣精, 可以自己加精油. 據說每二加侖可以加1/2到1oz的精油. 不過, Zote本身就已經有香味了, 所以我就不會想再加任何東西. Zote聞起來很像歐護(Off)的味道... 不喜歡那種味道的人要選別種肥皂.  不過據說Zote是很環保的肥皂, 而且它基本上是手洗用肥皂. 所以品質應該是不錯的.
今天第一次試洗.  一開始沒什麼泡泡, 所以我又多加了半杯下去... 沒想到一陣子後, 泡泡就多了起來. 也許下次加半杯就好... 一個月後(10/26)我又做了一桶4加侖的. 我重新回到那個網站上, 才發現泡泡不是重點. 這個洗衣精本來就是少泡的做法...
http://tipnut.com/10-homemade-laundry-soap-detergent-recipes/ - 這個網站也有很多不同的洗衣精作法.


1/2 cup Washing Soda
1/2 cup Borax
1/3 bar Soap (grated)
a gallon of water, plus 6 cups

