2013年9月14日 星期六


Soap Troubleshooting Chart
Soap won't traceInsufficient lye, excess amount of water, wrong temperatures, not stirred enough or too slow.  A high percentage of unsaturated fats in the base oils will also cause slow tracing.Double check water, oil and lye measurements. If amounts and temperatures are correct, continue stirring up to 3 hours or until the solution  traces.  If possible, switch to a stick blender which will substantially speed up tracing. Remember that you don't have to stir constantly for the full 3 hours.  Stir 5 minutes and then wait 15 and repeat. After 3 hours stirring or 30 minutes blending, if it shows no signs of thickening, pour into molds regardless of trace and let sit for 24 hours.  If the mixture still does not harden, discard it.
Mixture curdles while stirringOil and/or lye poured into mixing bowl at too high  temperature.  Sporadic or slow stirring.Switch to a stick blender and smooth out mixture then pour  into molds. You can also continue stirring and pour the mixture into the molds and then check for irregularities in the soap bars.  If there are irregularities discard the bars. 
Mixture sets up too quickly in pan.Oil and Lye/water temperatures were too high or low. Fats and oils are reacting to a synthetic fragrance or other additive. The percentage of saturated fats was excessive.Pour the mix into the molds as quickly as possible.  Smooth out with a spatula.  Everything should be fine other than aesthetic problems.
Mixture is slightly grainyOils and lye solution either too hot or too cold. Sporadic stirring process.Switch to a stick blender or continue stirring to a traced pour into molds. Should be an aesthetic problem only.
As soap cools in the mold, a layer of oil rises to the topToo much oil in recipe or not enough lye. Incorrect measuring.Continue to stir or switch to a stick blender.  Go ahead and pour into molds at trace or even if soap does not trace (try for up to 3 hours stirring or 30 minutes blending) Check soap in 2 - 3 weeks. If it doesn't lather well and is caustic, discard soap.
When cutting up soap after popping it out of the mold or while cutting it for hand-milled soap, there is a clear liquid present.Too much lye in formula.  Poor stirring method.You can try and cut up the soap with gloves on and wash away the excess lye however it would be safer to discard the bars and start again. 
Soft Spongy SoapNot enough lye or too much unsaturated fat in formula or too much waterTry curing the bars for a couple weeks longer.  If they remain soft discard them.
Hard Brittle SoapToo much lye.Discard.  Bars with too much lye can irritate or burn skin.
Soap smells rancid.Too much fat or too little lye in recipe.Discard soap.
Air Bubbles in SoapStirred too long or whipped while stirringUsing a stick blender or regular blender can cause this.  It is not really a problem. Only aesthetic in some cases.
Lye pockets in soap either in powdered or liquid formInsuffient stirring or too much lye in formulaNo solution. Discard and consider using a stick blender to avoid under mixing.  Also double check lye calculation.
Mottled or irregular looking soap with a freckled look.Uneven stirring or substantial temperature changes during curing.Aesthetic problem only.
Soap separates in the mold with a greasy layer of oil on top of a hard soap.Insuffient stirring, not enough lye, mixture poured into molds too soon.Discard
Lots of white powder on top of soap during curing processHard water used and/or lye did not properly dissolve in waterDiscard
Small amount of white powder on top of soapReaction with air createing a buildup of sodium carbonateAesthetic problem only.
Warped soapProblem in the drying processNot a problem with the soap.  Try shaving the bars smooth with a vegetable peeler or carve the bars into shapes or cut into pieces for rebatching.
Various aesthetic problems, cracks, warped soap, mottled look, unwanted colors, etc..various causes, temperature changes, bad molds, poor recipe. etcThese bars should still be good as soap. Rebatching is a good option for these bars.
肥皂不會追蹤不足的灰汁, 剩餘限額水, 錯誤溫度, 沒引起足夠或太減慢。不飽和的油脂的高百分比在基本的油並且將導致緩慢的辨別目標。雙重檢查水、油和灰汁測量。如果數額和溫度是正確的, 持續引起3 個小時或直到解答蹤影。如果可能, 交換對極大地將加速追蹤的棍子攪拌器。記得, 您不必須經常攪動在充分的3 個小時。引起5 分鐘和然後等待15 和重覆。在3 幾小時攪動或30 分鐘以後混合, 如果它不顯示變厚的標誌, 傾吐入模子不管蹤影和讓坐24 小時。如果混合物仍然不硬化, 擯除它。
混合物太迅速設定了在平底鍋裡。油和Lye/water 溫度是太高或降低。油脂和油起反應對綜合性芬芳或其它添加劑。飽和的油脂的百分比過份。儘快傾吐混合入模子。使光滑與小鏟。一切應該是美好的不同於審美問題。
當肥皂冷卻在模子, 油層數在上面上升許多油在食譜或沒有足夠的灰汁。不正確測量。繼續攪動或交換對棍子攪拌器。開始和傾吐入模子在蹤影甚至如果肥皂不追蹤(嘗試為3 幾小時攪動或30 分鐘混合) 檢查肥皂在2 個- 3 個星期。如果它不起泡沫很好和是刻薄的, 擯除肥皂。
當切開肥皂在流行它在模子外面或當切開它以後為手被碾碎的肥皂, 有一清楚的液體存在。許多灰汁在慣例。粗劣的攪動的方法。您能嘗試並且切開肥皂與手套和沖走剩餘灰汁然而它會是更加安全擯除酒吧和再開始。
灰汁口袋在肥皂或以搽粉的或液體形式Insuffient 攪動或許多灰汁在慣例沒有解答。擯除和考慮使用棍子攪拌器避免在混合之下。並且加倍檢查灰汁演算。
肥皂分離在模子以油油膩層數在一塊堅硬肥皂頂部。Insuffient 攪動, 沒有足夠的灰汁, 混合物太很快傾吐了入模子。擯除
小量的白色粉末在肥皂頂部反應與空氣createing 碳酸鈉積累審美問題唯一。
翹曲的肥皂問題在乾燥過程中不是有肥皂的一個問題。設法刮酒吧光滑與菜削皮器或雕刻酒吧入形狀或切開成片斷為rebatching 。
各種各樣的審美問題, 鎮壓, 翹曲了肥皂、呈雜色的神色、不需要的顏色, 等。各種各樣的起因、溫度變化、壞模子, 粗劣的食譜等這些酒吧應該仍然是好的作為肥皂。Rebatching 是一個好選擇為這些酒吧。
臺美達翻譯版  (英文不好的人,建議看這個版本)

